

Event Registration

Welcome to the " CEO GOLF" Championship! Register now to secure your spot in this prestigious event that brings together influential CEOs, Elite Professionals, and business leaders worldwide.

Registration Benefits

  • Access to the "CEO GOLF" Championship
  • Opportunity to compete for the esteemed "CEO GOLFER OF THE YEAR".
  • Networking with 100+ influential CEOs and industry leaders
  • Grand prize ceremony and elegant gala dinner
  • Secure your spot now by completing the registration form below. Limited slots are available, so participate quickly in this exclusive event. Take the chance to elevate your game and expand your network in a relaxed and esteemed setting.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Becoming a sponsor for our event presents an unmatched opportunity to showcase your brand to a highly targeted and elite audience. As a sponsor, you'll enjoy extensive visibility and exposure before, during, and after the tournament, enabling you to connect directly with industry leaders and decision-makers.

Key Benefits of Sponsorship:

  • Brand Exposure: Gain prominent visibility and exposure for your brand throughout the event.
  • Networking Opportunities: Access exclusive networking avenues with top-tier professionals and industry leaders.
  • Marketing Reach: Extend your brand's reach to a highly engaged and influential audience.
  • Customized Engagement: Tailored opportunities for engaging with participants and attendees, ensuring meaningful interactions.
  • Recognition and Appreciation: Receive acknowledgment and appreciation for your support, showcasing your commitment to excellence.
To ensure a seamless experience for participants interested in our event, reach out to us using below button.
